Hi! I’m Stephanie Cuningkin. I’m a CPA in Texas whose passionate about business owners. For over a decade I worked with all types of business owners helping them with their finances. I helped them do taxes, accounting and helped them work through decisions they needed to make in their businesses.
I saw some business owners win big time, I saw others lose. I saw some pivot. I saw others take big leaps of faith. I want to see everyone who has a business dream see it become their reality. There’s nothing like having a vision in your mind then seeing that vision come to reality. It’s such an exhilarating feeling.
Sometimes all you need is an effective strategy and a little push from someone to help you believe in yourself and the possibility of your dream. Well I’m that person. If you share that you have a vision with me, I’m going to encourage you to pursue it.
You and I both know you want to jump. Let me help you Jump Smart!
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